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Ahmad Gul Wasiq
Dr. Abdul Hameed Seerat
Fazal Hadi Fazli


The term law is derived from the Arabic word "measurement". Some scholars define it as literary, meaning that it is derived from the Greek word conon, which is applied by ruled or authorized horizon administrators. The law has a compulsory aspect, and its aim is to make things organized and cohesive.The law is the second source in Islamic countries, and vice versa, it is the first source in non-Islamic countries. Besides its definition, the law is the basic backbone for the development, prosperity, and relationships among people in society. In addition to the aforementioned importance of the law, it is also proven that it makes you submissive to Almighty Allah, which is mentioned in the verses of the Holy Quran, which state that it is called for Muslims who accepted Islam to be obedient to Allah and the messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), and the Imam who leads you.It is widely accepted and found that society can survive and maintain its regulation without law; besides, if law does not exist, there should be monarchy, and disorder in society would definitely be caused in order to avoid any harmful causes. Therefore, the law is vitally important for any nation and state, but it is exclusively important for Muslim countries if it is in the light of Sharia with its principles, regulations, and holy beliefs. The compatibility of laws with Sharia law is mentioned in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in the third article; therefore, it is proved that laws are compatible with Sharia law, so acceptance of its regularity is compulsory for all Afghans.


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How to Cite
Ahmad Gul Wasiq, Dr. Abdul Hameed Seerat, & Fazal Hadi Fazli. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE AND NECESSITY OF LAW IN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, 2(4), 97–105. Retrieved from