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Mazhar Ali Alyani
Ishrat Fatima
Dr Wajiha Yasir
Muhammad Sijawal Alyani
Abdul Manan Channa


Resentment can be defined as comprising two distinct components. Anger resulting from an injury or injustice to oneself or one's principles is one example. Anger serves as the primary motivator, persistently pursuing retribution. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects persistent resentment on the performance of college students. Research questions of the study was (1) How persistent Resentment effects on the performance of College Students (2) What are the reasons of persistent Resentment in Students and (3) How to overcome persistent Resentment in Students? Study was delimited to the public college students in Lahore. The research adopts a cross-sectional design to assess the relationship between persistent resentment and academic performance among college students. The participants were college students from diverse academic backgrounds and levels (e.g., freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors). A random sampling technique ensures representativeness and reduces selection bias. The sample size was determined using power analysis to achieve adequate statistical power. The primary data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire comprising validated scales. The questionnaire was designed based on existing literature and refined through pilot testing to ensure validity and reliability. Quantitative data analysis was conducted using appropriate statistical techniques, including descriptive statistics to summarize demographic characteristics, levels of resentment, and academic performance measures. Inferential statistics, such as correlation analysis and regression analysis, to examine the relationship between persistent resentment and academic performance while controlling for relevant demographic variables. The analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between persistent resentment and academic performance among college students.

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How to Cite
Mazhar Ali Alyani, Ishrat Fatima, Dr Wajiha Yasir, Muhammad Sijawal Alyani, & Abdul Manan Channa. (2024). EFFECTS OF PERSISTENT RESENTMENT ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF COLLEGE STUDENTS. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, 3(2), 397–406. Retrieved from https://ijciss.org/index.php/ijciss/article/view/648