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Fazeelat Razzaq


Terrorism has a direct impact on human lives that curbs not only their fundamental rights but also leave the devastate impact on the respective citizens; emotionally, physically and psychologically. The destructive impact of terrorism raise the concerns of International Actors to protect the human lives and provide sufficient security which made the International Organizations more cautious to address such horrifying subject and discernible at United Nation’s General Assembly and Security Council. Terrorism endangers the innocent lives, creating an environment of fear and torture that destroys individual freedom which ultimately threaten the dignity and security of human beings in each spectrum of life that undermines pluralistic civil society and aims to undo the democratic basis of society. A fundamental obligation of states, therefore, is to protect the human lives of their nationals by taking positive measures to protect them by bringing the terrorists to trials and cutoff their financial and supplies connections. However, the measures adopted by some States to counter terrorism have themselves often posed serious challenges and possess certain constraints in rule of law which provides legal and practical safeguards to them. After September, 2001 attack on World trade center (US) by radicals, Western powers especially America made counter-terrorism efforts a priority. While joining hand with American War on terror, Pakistani President Musharraf conducted military operations against the activists. Since then, Pakistan has been facing the epic of terrorism, and a war against it. No country has suffered as much as Pakistan in terms of both human lives, and material damage. This research paper is an attempt to strengthen understanding of the complex and multifaceted relationship between terrorism and security with reference to the era of Musharraf in Pakistan. By using case study method, this study explores that the government efforts to counter-terrorism has given rise to radicalization in Pakistan.

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How to Cite
Fazeelat Razzaq. (2023). POST 9/ 11 TERRORISM: AN ANALYSIS OF MUSHARRAF ERA IN PAKISTAN. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, 2(2), 87–95. Retrieved from