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Niaz Mohammad Hamdard
Sayed Abdul Hakim Hikmat
Azizudin Nijat


The advent of Taliban and withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan was one of the historic moments that changed the direction regional dynamics. The event left the regional powers and states surprised when the new government was established so abruptly. This article attempts to investigate the relations between Iran and Taliban (EIA) since 2021, while focusing the diplomatic engagements between the representatives of these governments. The Iranian response to the recent developments was pragmatic and more diplomatic. It welcomed the new government of EIA, and highlighted its foreign policy direction by stating that they want to be in relationship with whoever holds the power in Kabul. In a situation when the world was uncertain about the fate of the new government, both governments established a sort of “informal” diplomatic engagements in 2021and improved it to a stage that Iran had to hand over the Afghanistan embassy in Tehran to the representatives of EIA, in 2023. Both have sought to resolve their mutual issues that might make hurdles for the future engagements, through diplomatic ways. The article primarily focused the official meetings, both bilateral and multi-lateral, since 2021. The findings suggest that both countries wants to engage each other and establish a durable relationship in the future.


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How to Cite
Niaz Mohammad Hamdard, Sayed Abdul Hakim Hikmat, & Azizudin Nijat. (2023). IRAN AFGHANISTAN RELATION UNDER THE TALIBAN. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, 2(4), 1153–1160. Retrieved from