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Muhammad Ibrahim Khan
Rizwan Ullah
Dr. Latif Ullah
Aziz Ullah
Shahid Khan


This research delves into the practice and implications of dowry and its impacts on female marriage in contemporary society, with a specific focus on Dir Lower in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. This investigation seeks to identify the prevalence and variations in dowry customs, analyze the socio-economic and cultural factors influencing dowry transactions in female marriages. Dowry is a common tradition in Pakistan general and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa particular, the cash or gifts, other livelihood things received by the groom during marriage become social evil in our society where dowry quantity looks like to increase by reason of lifestyle changes drift of society. The study was conducted by using quantitative methods and procedures. 327 potential respondents are receipts through simple random probability technique. The primary data composed based on Likert scale (on a three levels) for interview schedule and then analyzed through SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software to measure the relationship between independents and dependents variables with the help of chi-square test. The study results conclude that dowry system has rooted to every society because all familial organization encourages the rehearsal of give and taking rich dowry. In contemporary society the evils of dowry are valuable source for prestige and honor for bride. Women with rich dowry got considerable respect by in their in-law while women with little dowry are habitually insulted, tortured, and for some situation unfluctuating from homes. It is experience that the amount of dowry decides the bride proposal and many cares perpetuate delay marriage for girls. In each year price of dowries increase with inverse proportion girl’s marriage and parents postponed daughter’s marriage due the evil of dowry. It is just a trend and people follow it as a symbol of respect for parents and women as well. The study recommended taking the issue of dowry seriously due to its immorality, especially for poor families. It proposed that community leaders and elders create rules to combat dowry. Additionally, the media should run campaigns and anti-dowry programs to discourage this unjust social practice.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, Rizwan Ullah, Dr. Latif Ullah, Aziz Ullah, & Shahid Khan. (2023). UNVEILING THE INTRIGUING IMPACT OF DOWRY ON FEMALE MARRIAGE: EVIDENCE FROM LOWER DIR, KHYBER-PAKHTUNKHWA, PAKISTAN. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, 2(4), 290–298. Retrieved from http://ijciss.org/index.php/ijciss/article/view/150